Lesson 12 - Words that end in "ous". Words to know will be: may...now. Menu work is due on Friday, 12/7.
Singular and plural possessives will be our topics this week as we continue with our study of nouns.
Singular and plural possessives will be our topics this week as we continue with our study of nouns.
We will be studying story elements such as main and secondary characters, setting and conflict, while focusing on the book, The Polar Express. Ask you child about our trip to the North Pole via the Polar Express.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
Students have filled out contracts for second trimester, and have begun working toward their goal. We hope to have 100% of the class reach their reading goal this trimester.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
Students have filled out contracts for second trimester, and have begun working toward their goal. We hope to have 100% of the class reach their reading goal this trimester.

We will begin lesson 3 of Chapter 7. The TEST for this unit is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 12th.
be completed at home. The final project is due on Wednesday, 12/5.
Have a Great Week! 
MATH - Mrs. Bell's class
We wil be "wrapping up" our study of geometry with a look at congruence, transformations and tessellations. Students will be completing a tessellation project that will be due on Tuesday, 12/11. The Chapter 7 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 12th.FYI
It was a pleasure to meet parents last week during conferences. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. My email address is: kbell@ccsd66.org.
The last day for turning in yearbook forms is Monday, 12/3.
Thank you to all of the families who have contributed to our holiday service project. If you wish to send a gift for our family in need, please send it on or before Wednesday, December 5th.
Have a Great Week!
Mrs. Karen Bell