
This week's spelling/vocabulary list will include words with the Greek roots "graph", "auto", "photo", "tele", and "rupt". We will study the meanings of these roots and how to use them correctly. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 10/4.
Reading - "Casey at the Bat"
Our study of this poem has moved more slowly than I expected, but I hope that we will wrap it up this week by completing the text to text comparison and the PARCC based TDQ activity.
English - What is a Sentence?
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/30. Students should prepare for the test by reviewing the textbook, practice pages, and workbook pages for the chapter. There is also a chapter review section in the textbook (p. 56-59 & 62) that covers all of the topics we have studied.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
We will finish our study of the Northeast this week. Look for the Chapter 4 TEST to be scheduled for the week of 10/7
We will conclude this unit with a final look at interpreting remainders. On Wednesday, 10/2, students will take the Unit 1 TEST. They should use their math spirals, Student Book and Home Connections pages as tools to review for the test.
After the test, we will take a break from Bridges to have a quick refresher course on long division. Students have requested that we review this concept. I am going to flip our classroom by assigning a video about the process of long division on Google Classroom and then we will practice the concept in class. Once that is complete, we will move on to Unit 2 which will focus on adding and subtracting fractions.
We will also begin the use of Khan Academy as an online learning tool. Students will complete leveled math activities based on their Fall MAP scores. The concepts become more and more challenging as they complete lessons. 20 minutes of Khan Academy will be a weekly homework assignment until the end of the year.
Students began leading homework and Number Corner discussions this week. Below is a photo of Jack leading a discussion about the calendar grid patterns...
10/2 - Early dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
10/14 - Columbus Day - no school
10/24 - Picture retakes (NEW DATE)
Mrs. Karen Bell