elling - Unit 17 - Words with the Suffix "-tion"
This week's list includes words with the suffix "-tion". Students will learn that when the suffix "-tion" is added to a verb, the word becomes a noun. When "-tion" is added to a word that ends in an "e" or "t", the "e" or "t" is dropped. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 2/1.

This week's list includes words with the suffix "-tion". Students will learn that when the suffix "-tion" is added to a verb, the word becomes a noun. When "-tion" is added to a word that ends in an "e" or "t", the "e" or "t" is dropped. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Friday, 2/1.
Reading - Unit 2 - Journeys
What does it mean to go on a journey? How can a person be changed by a journey they have experienced? These are the questions that we will pose to students as we begin the second unit in Reading titled "Journeys". We will begin by reading and discussing the short story, Grandfather's Journey by Alan Say.
This week in English we will begin a unit on Explanatory writing. The purpose of this type of writing is to demonstrate comprehension of a topic, concept, process, or procedure. We will start by looking at how to write a "hook" at the beginning of an essay to create interest for the reader.
Social Studies - The Midwest
Science - Energy Conversions
As we continue to search for a solution to the blackout in Ergstown, we will focus on how engineers solve problems in the real world.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 4 Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers and Decimals
Students will take their second multiplication and division CHECKPOINT on 1/28. They should look over the Strategies Review note-taking sheet that we completed in class, spiral notes and workbook pages to prepare for the quiz.
Students will take their second multiplication and division CHECKPOINT on 1/28. They should look over the Strategies Review note-taking sheet that we completed in class, spiral notes and workbook pages to prepare for the quiz.
We are coming to the end of Unit 4. The concepts covered during the week of 1/28 will include using multiplication to divide and divisibility rules. Look for the Unit 4 test to be scheduled during the week of 2/4.
1/31 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
Mrs. Karen Bell