elling - Mythology Words
This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/14.

This week's list contains words pertaining to Greek Mythology. We will study the definitions of the words as they are used in myths and also look at several myths and their messages. Because this unit has many valuable activities, we will study it for 2 weeks. The spelling test for mythology words is scheduled for Friday, 12/14.
Reading- Unit 1 Courage - Greek Mythology

We will begin our study of Greek Mythology with a look at the myth of Hercules. We will also focus on the skill of summarizing. A summary is a shortened version of a story that retells all the important parts of the story in sequence. We will work as a team to summarize the Hercules myth. On 12/10, I will be introducing a mythology project that focuses on personalized learning.

Social Studies - "Wildlife & Resources"
The final lesson on the Southeast will focus on the resources and the wildlife of the region. The chapter 6 TEST is scheduled for 12/12. Students should review their textbook, workbook pages, note pages, and review pages to prepare for the test.
Science - Energy Conversions
Use of energy in the past and present will be the topic in Science this week.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals

Metric conversions, place value patterns and writing division problems will keep us busy this week. The Unit 3 TEST is tentatively scheduled for the week of 12/10. Students should review their practice pages and spiral notes to prepare for the test.
Below are some pictures of mathematicians working together to use base ten pieces to plot decimal numbers on a number line...
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals

Metric conversions, place value patterns and writing division problems will keep us busy this week. The Unit 3 TEST is tentatively scheduled for the week of 12/10. Students should review their practice pages and spiral notes to prepare for the test.
Below are some pictures of mathematicians working together to use base ten pieces to plot decimal numbers on a number line...
The pictures below show students working on problem-solving during one of our morning meetings this week. Ask your child how the team worked together to untie a "human knot"...
Mrs. Karen Bell