This week's words each contain the root "auto", "homo", "tract" or "phobia". We will study the meaning of these roots and how to determine the meaning of a word that contains them. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/6.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
As our novel study continues, students will have several opportunities to independently complete written responses to the text. The expectation is that they will provide text evidence to support their response, and will also be able to interpret and extend that text proof. We have practiced this skill several times as a class, and now it is time for them to "show what they know". This week they will respond to a prompt from chapter 3.
We will also read a Time for Kids magazine in which the main article focuses on how Cape Town, South Africa is dealing with a severe drought. The comprehension QUIZ for the TFK is scheduled for Thursday, 4/5.
We will also read a Time for Kids magazine in which the main article focuses on how Cape Town, South Africa is dealing with a severe drought. The comprehension QUIZ for the TFK is scheduled for Thursday, 4/5.
Social Studies - "Land and Resources of the Southwest"

Our focus in SS this week will be in the Grand Canyon and how erosion impacted its formation and still changes it today. We will also work on several projects related to the Navajo culture.
Science - "How Does Your Body Get Oxygen and Nutrients?"
Circulation is the last body system that we will study in this lesson. A QUIZ on chapter 4, lesson 1 is tentatively scheduled for 4/9. The quiz will be open book / open note.

Our focus in SS this week will be in the Grand Canyon and how erosion impacted its formation and still changes it today. We will also work on several projects related to the Navajo culture.
Science - "How Does Your Body Get Oxygen and Nutrients?"
Circulation is the last body system that we will study in this lesson. A QUIZ on chapter 4, lesson 1 is tentatively scheduled for 4/9. The quiz will be open book / open note.
Mrs. Karen Bell