This week's list includes homographs, which are sets of words that are spelled the same but have multiple meanings (Examples: bank or ring). The final TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 3/1.
ELA / Reading - Journeys - Grandfather's Journey

The final copy of the Hero essay is due on 2/27. Students will proofread, edit and submit in school that day.
Social Studies - Midwest Just Look Book Project / The Ojibwa
The Just Look Book projects are due on 2/28. Students will present that day. We will also study the Native Americans of the Midwest, The Ojibwa. Students will learn about how the Ojibwa of the past used their natural resources to survive and how the Ojibwa of the present keep their traditions and culture alive.
The Just Look Book projects are due on 2/28. Students will present that day. We will also study the Native Americans of the Midwest, The Ojibwa. Students will learn about how the Ojibwa of the past used their natural resources to survive and how the Ojibwa of the present keep their traditions and culture alive.
Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

The Whole Number Times a Fraction CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Monday, 2/26. Multiplication of two fractions using area models will be our focus for the rest of the week.

The Whole Number Times a Fraction CHECKPOINT is scheduled for Monday, 2/26. Multiplication of two fractions using area models will be our focus for the rest of the week.
Student leader Billy shows off computation done by our amazing mathematicians. |
3/2 - No School - Teachers' Institute
Mrs. Karen Bell