
This week's spelling unit focuses on spelling rules for words that begin with the prefixes
"-un", "-non", and "-dis". We will also study word roots and how the prefixes change the meanings of the words. In addition to the spelling list, students will learn several vocabulary words that follow the same prefix pattern. We will be completing a variety of word work in small groups in the classroom during the week. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 9/2.

We will begin the year with a short unit on writing sentences. Students will review the rules for writing a complete sentence and study the four different types of sentences this week.
Reading - Close Reading- "Casey at the Bat"
Take Me Out to the Ballgame...!!! Close reading is the careful, sustained interpretation of a piece of text, and one of the cornerstones of the Common Core State Standards. On Monday we will review this skill with an activity in which students will close read Oreo cookies...as you can imagine this activity has been quite popular in the past! Then, we will begin a close read of the poem, "Casey at the Bat". Students will read and reread this piece of rich text, dissecting it to gain an understanding of the author's words. They will also compare it to another text and attempt to understand the author's perspective.

Fourth grade Social Studies is the study of regions of the United States. Early in the week, students will become familiar with our Social Studies text by working with partners on a "textbook scavenger hunt". We will finish the week with a peek at the Northeast, which is the first region that we will study. Students will create their own maps of the NE region in preparation for a region map QUIZ tentatively scheduled for 9/6.

The first topic in math this year is multiplication and volume. The first lessons focus on finding factor pairs, reflective writing and the properties of multiplication and volume. Students will complete a pre-assessment on these topics that will guide instruction for the rest of the unit. MAP testing in math is scheduled for Wednesday, 8/31.
Fourth-grade students will take MAP tests during the week of 8/29. The Reading portion of the test is scheduled for Tuesday, 8/30 and the Math portion will take place on Wednesday, 8/31. Our classroom motto for MAP testing is "Don't stress...just do your best!"
Please be sure to mark your calendar for Curriculum Night, which is scheduled for Tuesday, August 30th from 6:30 to 7:30. You will have an opportunity to visit our classroom, and to meet your child's math teacher.
Our first week included "Getting to Know You" activities, team building and learning classroom procedures. The students and I have been getting to know each other, sharing some laughs and working hard.
These pictures are from a team building activity in which students had to build a pyramid from cups without using their hands. Ask your child how they accomplished this task...
These pictures are from a team building activity in which students had to build a pyramid from cups without using their hands. Ask your child how they accomplished this task...
Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell