Highlights for the Week of 11/30/15
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling list will contain 30 words from the second theme in our reading text. Words will be chosen from lessons 8-12. Students must score 100% on the pretest to earn challenge work for the week. The final test will be on Friday, 12/4 (did I actually just type December ?), and will cover 20 words from the list. Homework is also due on Friday.
Reading - Courage Unit - Greek Mythology
Students will close read the myths of Athena and Arachne & Athena. They will compare and contrast the two goddesses and work in small groups to respond to leveled text dependent questions. We will also begin a study of Greek and Latin affixes and root words.
English - More Homophones & Using Commas before Coordinating Conjunctions
We will take another look at use of homophones there, their, they're, to, too & two. This will be followed by practice in how to use commas before coordinating conjunctions such as and & but.
Science - What are Some Life Cycles of Plants?
Students will continue making observations with to answer the question, "Do plants need light to germinate?". They will take an open note/book QUIZ on chapter 2 / lesson 2 on Tuesday, 12/1. Life cycles of animals will be the next topic that we study in Science. Below are some pictures of our young scientists preparing the seeds for the "Sprouting Seeds" investigation.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 3 - Place Value & Decimals
The Unit 2 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 11/23. Students should use their spirals, worksheets & the pre-assessment to review. The test is modeled closely after the pre-assessment. Before beginning Unit 3 we will take another look at Least Common Multiple, Least Common Denominators and fraction problem solving. On Thursday we will begin Unit 3.
Don't forget...
November 25 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break