Highlights for the Week of 11/3/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!

We will not have a spelling lesson this week due to the short week.
Reading - Courage - Gloria Estefan
Students will take a QUIZ on the Gloria Estefan vocabulary and text on Thursday, 11/6. They will be asked to insert vocabulary words into sentences based on context clues, and to answer comprehension questions based on text proof. Students may click on the following link to access a Quizlet review for the vocabulary:
The culminating activity for this text will require that students write a newspaper article describing how Gloria became a star and why she deserves the title, "a star with a heart". The final copy of the article will be due on Monday, 11/10.
English - Capitalization and Punctuation

We will finish quotations on Wednesday, and move on to titles on Thursday. Look for the chapter 5 TEST to be scheduled the week of 11/10.

Social Studies - The Narragansett
The Narragansett Village project is due on Wednesday, 11/5. Students will also take a QUIZ that day on lesson 1 of chapter 5 (The Narragansetts). We will begin the study of the Southeast by creating a map of the region. The QUIZ on the SE map is tentatively scheduled for 11/10.
Science - How are Animals Classified?
Invertebrates are in the spotlight in science this week. The will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 3 on Friday, 11/7.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Topic 4 Addition & Subtraction of Whole Numbers

This week we will tackle estimation of sums and differences and adding whole numbers. A QUIZ on lessons 1-3 of Topic 4 is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 11/7.
Don't forget...
11/3 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/4 - No School - Teachers' Institute
Have a "Spook-tacular" Halloween!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Mrs. Karen Bell