Highlights for the Week of 9/15/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long and Short "a" and "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/19.This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/19. These pictures show students using the Chromebooks in the classroom to complete a spelling assignment for this week.
Reading - Close Reading
Take Me Out to the Ballgame...!!! Close reading is the careful, sustained interpretation of a piece of text, and one of the cornerstones of the Common Core State Standards. This week we will continue our close read of the poem, "Casey at the Bat". Students will read and reread this piece of rich text, dissecting it to gain understanding of the author's words. The will also compare it to other text and try to understand the author's perspective.
The following pictures are from an "Apples & Oranges" activity that practiced the reading skill of comparing and contrasting...
English - What is a Sentence?
This week's focus in English will be on the four types of sentences: Statements, Questions, Commands and Exclamations. Students will independently complete a review of lessons 2-3 on Thursday. We will do a small project related to the four types of sentences on the week of 9/22. The project is called "Snapshot Sentences", and will require that a 4x6 photo be sent from home. The photo will be taped to the project, so please do not send a photo that is valuable.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast
The Northeast Map QUIZ is scheduled for Monday, 9/15. We will then focus our attention on the resources of the region. Be sure to ask your child how cranberries are grown...it's an amazing process!
Science - The Scientific Method
Inquiry skills will be our focus this week. We will also begin working in groups to construct houses out of straws, paper clips and tape to be used in another investigation during the week of 9/22.
Bell's Math Class - Topic 1 - Multiplication & Division: Meaning and Facts
Topics in math this week include multiplication and division comparison problems, special quotients and using multiplication facts to find division facts. Look for the Topic 1 test to be scheduled the week of 9/22. The following photos are from when we made "human arrays" to represent multiplication facts. Ask your child to identify the fact being shown in each photo!
The Brookfield Zoo field trip is scheduled for Friday, 9/19. Please send a 100% disposable lunch to school with your child. We will be outside come rain or shine, so please have him/her dress for the weather!
Another wonderful week! Happy weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Highlights for the Week of 9/12/11 - 9/16/11 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long & Short "a" & "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/16. This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/16.
Reading - Identifying the Elements of Story Structure
This week we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story's plot and characters. When your child is reading at home, you can practice and review story structure by asking them to identify characters, setting, and plot (which includes the problem, sequenced events, and the solution.)
lish - What is a Sentence?Subjects and predicates is the next topic in our English unit, and that means that Mr. Morton will be coming to town! Ask your child to sing one of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock songs for you this week. We will be focusing on complete subjects and predicates, and simple subjects.
Social Studies - Strength of Our Freedom
We will finish chapter 2 with a look at the responsibilities and rights of citizens in the U.S. Students will continue to practice their skimming and scanning skills. We will review the chapter on Thursday. The chapter 2 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 9/16. Look for a study guide to come with your child early in the week.
Science - The Scientific Method
We're off to the races...worm races, that is! We will be studying the steps of the Scientific Method while learning about worms and how they are affected by their environment. Students should bring their worms to school in their habitats on Tuesday, 9/14. They will receive the project description sheets for their race tracks on that day as well.
Bell's Math Class
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/12. We will then move on to chapter 2, which covers the topic of addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The first three concepts we will study are inverse operations, rounding numbers through the millions, and mental math strategies for estimation.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Monday, 9/12. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Highlights for the Week of 9/12/11 - 9/16/11 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long & Short "a" & "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/16. This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/16.
Reading - Identifying the Elements of Story Structure
This week we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story's plot and characters. When your child is reading at home, you can practice and review story structure by asking them to identify characters, setting, and plot (which includes the problem, sequenced events, and the solution.)
lish - What is a Sentence?Subjects and predicates is the next topic in our English unit, and that means that Mr. Morton will be coming to town! Ask your child to sing one of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock songs for you this week. We will be focusing on complete subjects and predicates, and simple subjects.
Social Studies - Strength of Our Freedom
We will finish chapter 2 with a look at the responsibilities and rights of citizens in the U.S. Students will continue to practice their skimming and scanning skills. We will review the chapter on Thursday. The chapter 2 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 9/16. Look for a study guide to come with your child early in the week.
Science - The Scientific Method
We're off to the races...worm races, that is! We will be studying the steps of the Scientific Method while learning about worms and how they are affected by their environment. Students should bring their worms to school in their habitats on Tuesday, 9/14. They will receive the project description sheets for their race tracks on that day as well.
Bell's Math Class
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/12. We will then move on to chapter 2, which covers the topic of addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The first three concepts we will study are inverse operations, rounding numbers through the millions, and mental math strategies for estimation.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Monday, 9/12. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Highlights for the Week of 9/16/13
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long and Short "a" and "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/20.This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/20.
Reading - Identifying the Elements of Story Structure / Summarizing
We will continue to study story structure this week. Students will explore characters and setting in depth. There will be a QUIZ on Akiak on Tuesday, 9/17. The quiz will cover the vocabulary words from the story, and on the skill of identifying story structure. The Akiak diary project will be collected on Wednesday, 9/18. We will finish the week with by practicing our "skimming and scanning" skills using the Time for Kids magazine. We will also begin working on the Daily 5 task of "Read to Someone".
lish - What is a Sentence?
This week's focus in English will be on the four types of sentences: Statements, Questions, Commands and Exclamations. Students will independently complete a review of lessons 2-3 on Thursday. We will do a small project related to the four types of sentences on the week of 9/23. The project is called "Snapshot Sentences", and will require that a 4x6 photo be sent from home. The photo will be taped to the project, so please do not send a photo that is valuable.
Social Studies - Strength of Our Freedom

We will finish chapter 2 with a look at the responsibilities and rights of citizens in the U.S. The chapter review is scheduled for Tuesday, and students will take the chapter TEST on Wednesday, 9/18. Look for a study guide that was sent home with your child on 9/12.
Science - The Scientific Method
Our focus this week will be on Scientific Method. Students will use the method while exploring the age old question of "Which floats better...a pumpkin, or an orange?". We will also begin working in groups to construct houses out of straws, paper clips and tape to be used in another investigation at the end of the week.
Bell's Math Class
We will be starting Unit 2, which covers the topic of addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The pretest for the unit is scheduled for Monday. The first few topics in this unit include Properties of Addition & Subtraction Rules, Patterns in Addition, and Using Mental Math to Add & Subtract.
The turn in dates for the district Magazine Drive are September 17, 19 and 24.
I am looking forward to seeing parents at Curriculum Night on Tuesday, 9/17 from 6:30-7:30.
Another wonderful week! Happy weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Highlights for the Week of 9/12/11 - 9/16/11 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long & Short "a" & "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/16. This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/16.
Reading - Identifying the Elements of Story Structure
This week we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story's plot and characters. When your child is reading at home, you can practice and review story structure by asking them to identify characters, setting, and plot (which includes the problem, sequenced events, and the solution.)
lish - What is a Sentence?Subjects and predicates is the next topic in our English unit, and that means that Mr. Morton will be coming to town! Ask your child to sing one of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock songs for you this week. We will be focusing on complete subjects and predicates, and simple subjects.
Social Studies - Strength of Our Freedom
We will finish chapter 2 with a look at the responsibilities and rights of citizens in the U.S. Students will continue to practice their skimming and scanning skills. We will review the chapter on Thursday. The chapter 2 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 9/16. Look for a study guide to come with your child early in the week.
Science - The Scientific Method
We're off to the races...worm races, that is! We will be studying the steps of the Scientific Method while learning about worms and how they are affected by their environment. Students should bring their worms to school in their habitats on Tuesday, 9/14. They will receive the project description sheets for their race tracks on that day as well.
Bell's Math Class
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/12. We will then move on to chapter 2, which covers the topic of addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The first three concepts we will study are inverse operations, rounding numbers through the millions, and mental math strategies for estimation.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Monday, 9/12. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Highlights for the Week of 9/12/11 - 9/16/11 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
elling - Long & Short "a" & "e"
The final test for spelling this week will be on Friday, 9/16. This is the first week that we will be using the spelling words from our reading series. Students who score a 90% or above on Monday's pretest will have the opportunity to do challenge work via the contracts that we used for our first two lessons. Workbook pages and contract work will also be collected on 9/16.
Reading - Identifying the Elements of Story Structure
This week we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story's plot and characters. When your child is reading at home, you can practice and review story structure by asking them to identify characters, setting, and plot (which includes the problem, sequenced events, and the solution.)
lish - What is a Sentence?Subjects and predicates is the next topic in our English unit, and that means that Mr. Morton will be coming to town! Ask your child to sing one of my favorite Schoolhouse Rock songs for you this week. We will be focusing on complete subjects and predicates, and simple subjects.
Social Studies - Strength of Our Freedom
We will finish chapter 2 with a look at the responsibilities and rights of citizens in the U.S. Students will continue to practice their skimming and scanning skills. We will review the chapter on Thursday. The chapter 2 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 9/16. Look for a study guide to come with your child early in the week.
Science - The Scientific Method
We're off to the races...worm races, that is! We will be studying the steps of the Scientific Method while learning about worms and how they are affected by their environment. Students should bring their worms to school in their habitats on Tuesday, 9/14. They will receive the project description sheets for their race tracks on that day as well.
Bell's Math Class
The chapter 1 TEST is scheduled for Monday, 9/12. We will then move on to chapter 2, which covers the topic of addition and subtraction of whole numbers. The first three concepts we will study are inverse operations, rounding numbers through the millions, and mental math strategies for estimation.
The magazine drive will begin with the kickoff celebration on Monday, 9/12. An information packet will be sent home with your child that day.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell