
This week's list will consist of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Tuesday. Look for an assignment sheet for homework to come home with your child on Tuesday. The final test is scheduled for Friday, 9/5.

We will review how to write a friendly letter. Students will learn about the different components that make up a friendly letter, and we will write one together. Then, they will write their own friendly letter to be shared with parents on Curriculum Night.
Reading - The Pumpkin Runner / Daily 5: "Read to Self"

This week in reading the students will review and practice their reading strategies as we read the story The Pumpkin Runner by Marsha Diane Arnold. The reading strategies that we will focus on include: preview/infer, phonics/decoding, questioning, monitor/clarify, summarize, and evaluate. I will also begin introducing the "Daily 5" model for building literacy skills. This model focuses on 5 skills critical to successful readers: reading to self, reading to others, listening to reading, writing, and word work. The first skill that we will practice is reading to self. Students will learn how to choose a "good fit" book, and we will work on building stamina while silent reading.
Social Studies - The Beautiful Northeast

Science - "Getting Ready for Science"

Our focus this week will be on how tools are used for science, and safety in the science lab.

Math will begin on Tuesday, 9/2. The first topic in math this year will be Multiplication and Division: Meanings and Facts. The four lessons that we will cover this week include meanings of multiplication, patterns for facts, multiplication properties and 3,4,6,8 & 8 as Factors. Look for a QUIZ on lessons 1-4 to be scheduled the week of 9/8.
Please be sure to mark your calendar for Curriculum Night, which is scheduled for Thursday, September 4th from 6:30 to 8:00. You will have an opportunity to visit our classroom, and to meet your child's math teacher. There will also be a presentation regarding the district "Learning Never Stops" technology initiative.
Our first week included "Getting to Know You" activities, team building, learning procedures and a visit from our principal, Mr. Pagel. The students and I have been getting to know each other, sharing some laughs and working hard. I hope you enjoy these pictures of your children enjoying their first days in fourth grade.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell