Highlights for the Week of 2/3/14
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

This week's spelling lesson contains words with the VCCV (Vowel-Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) pattern. The cursive/workbook pages OR challenge work will be collected on Friday, 2/7. The final test for the lesson will also be that day.

The comprehension skills that we will be focusing on this week are identifying problem and solution & drawing conclusions. Good readers use details in a story to draw conclusions about characters and events. They will learn that it is possible to draw more than one conclusion from the same details. We will continue reading the novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, as we work on these skills. There is a comprehension/skill check QUIZ on chapters 1 & 2 of the novel scheduled for Tuesday, 2/4 & another QUIZ on chapters 3 & 4 on Friday, 2/7. Click on the following link for practice with the vocabulary words:
English- Adjectives
Making comparisons with adjectives, and comparing with more and most are the topics for English this week. Students will be completing a lesson review in class on Wednesday to "show what they know".
Social Studies - The Midwest
The Chapter 8 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 2/6. A study guide was sent home with your child. We will finish the week by working on the Midwest region portion of our United States maps.
Science - How Does Your Body Think & Move?
On Monday, 2/3, students will take an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 2 of chapter 4. Then, we will take a break from the human body this week to read a Time for Kids magazine that focuses on how the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are working to save the gorilla. Students will take a comprehension QUIZ that will cover only the main article of the TFK on Friday, 2/7.
Quotients with zeroes and solving multi-step word problems with division are the last two lessons in Unit 6. Students will take the Unit 6 TEST on Thursday, 2/6.
Don't Forget...
March 3 - In-school presentation, "Wheels, Levers & Pulleys"
Mrs. Karen Bell