This week's spelling list will focus on words that end with the /ər/, /l/ or /əl/ sounds. The final TEST on this lesson will be given on Friday, 5/4. The workbook pages OR challenge work will also be collected that day.
Reading - I Can Compare and Contrast

Our readers' theater performance of Charlotte's Web was a huge success. The children did an amazing job learning their lines, practicing, and performing for our guests. It was such a proud moment for our classroom family. This week, we will focus on the reading target skill of comparing and contrasting. Comparing means showing similarities. Contrasting means showing differences. By comparing and contrasting one thing with another, readers can remember more of the information.
English- Adverbs

Social Studies - The Tlingit
Students will begin completing their personal version of a Tlingit mask in class on Monday. The masks will be collected on Wednesday. On Thursday, 5/3 students will complete a graded review for chapter 13, lesson 1 in class. Ask your child if he/she knows how to pronounce the word "Tlingit" !
Science - "Simple Machines"
Students will be taking an open note/book QUIZ on lesson 1 of chapter 17 on Tuesday, 5/1. We will then move on to investigate how pulleys and wheel and axles help people to do work.
Bell and Miss Johnston's
Math Class - Multiplying by 1-Digit and 2-Digit Numbers
Multiplying numbers with zeros and 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication will be our focus in math this week. Look for a test on Chapter 9 and Chapter 10(lesson 6) to be scheduled the week of 5/7.FYI...
ALOHA, MISS JOHNSTON - Friday, May 4th will be Miss Johnston's last day in our classroom. We will be combining our study of the Western region with saying farewell to her by having a luau in our classroom. Students will be making leis and grass skirts to wear for the celebration. The menu will consist of pork, Hawaiian salad and Hawaiian Punch. We will be learning to hula dance, and may watch the movie, "Lilo and Stitch". Watch for a movie permission slip to come home with your child on 4/27.
Students will be taking the MAPs test the week of 4/30. Our class will be taking the reading test on Thursday, during the afternoon. We are scheduled to take the math test first thing Friday morning. Please see that your child comes to school well rested, and with a healthy breakfast and snack those days!
In an effort to make the
transition to 5th grade as smooth as possible, the fourth grade teachers
will be enforcing the 5th grade policy for late
work during the month of May.
The policy is as follows:
Any assignment that is late, but not taken for a grade, will receive a late slip. The student will have one point taken out of his/her homework bank. (NO CHANGE)
Any assignment that is late and taken for a grade will receive a late slip. No points will be lost from the homework bank. If the assignment is turned in one day late, the final grade will be reduced by 10%. If the assignment is more than one day late, but turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be reduced by 25%. If the assignment is not turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be a zero.
The policy is as follows:
Any assignment that is late, but not taken for a grade, will receive a late slip. The student will have one point taken out of his/her homework bank. (NO CHANGE)
Any assignment that is late and taken for a grade will receive a late slip. No points will be lost from the homework bank. If the assignment is turned in one day late, the final grade will be reduced by 10%. If the assignment is more than one day late, but turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be reduced by 25%. If the assignment is not turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be a zero.
Mrs. Karen Bell and Miss Kristin Johnston