Highlights for the Week of 9/5/2011-9/9/2011 in Mrs. Bell's Classroom!
Spelling - Words Often Misspelled #2
This week's list will consist of a second list of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Monday. Homework will be collected on Friday, and the final test for the week (20 words) will be given on Friday.
Next week in reading your child will learn to use skimming and scanning skills to locate answers. During science, social studies, and reading, the class will be given tasks where they will have to locate answers in the text. They will practice highlighting key words in the questions or clues, and then skim the headlines, subtitles, captions, and passages to help them find the answers to those questions.
h - What is a Sentence?
The first unit that we will study in English focuses on the sentence. We will begin by taking a look at how to write and punctuate a sentence. Then we will study the four types of sentences, which include the statement, the question, the command, and the exclamation. On Thursday, students will independently complete a graded review of lessons 1-3. Finally, students will need a 4X6 photo of themselves for a project on Friday. Please send a photo that does not need to be returned to you.
Social Studies - "We the People / Strength of Our Freedom"
Students will finish their study of the U.S. government by taking a look at the three branches of government and the Constitution. We will then move on to a study of citizens' rights in the U.S.
Science - "Getting Ready for Science"
We will wrap up our focus on tools used for Science and safety in the lab, by taking a QUIZ on Wednesday, 9/7. Students will be allowed to use their notes for the quiz. The next topic we will cover is the Scientific Method.
Math -
Mrs. Bell's Math Class Due to the holiday and MAPs testing, we will only have two days of math this week. Students will be taking a QUIZ on lessons 1-5 of chapter 1 on Tuesday, 9/6. After looking at some problem solving techniques, we will spend Friday preparing for the chapter 1 TEST which is tentatively scheduled for 9/12.
Curriculum Night for 4th grade is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/6 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with your child's math teacher, and to spend time in our classroom. You will also be able to sign up for Fall conferences that evening.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Spelling - Words Often Misspelled #2
This week's list will consist of a second list of words that are often misspelled by fourth grade students. Students will be taking a pretest consisting of 20 words on Monday. Homework will be collected on Friday, and the final test for the week (20 words) will be given on Friday.
Next week in reading your child will learn to use skimming and scanning skills to locate answers. During science, social studies, and reading, the class will be given tasks where they will have to locate answers in the text. They will practice highlighting key words in the questions or clues, and then skim the headlines, subtitles, captions, and passages to help them find the answers to those questions.

The first unit that we will study in English focuses on the sentence. We will begin by taking a look at how to write and punctuate a sentence. Then we will study the four types of sentences, which include the statement, the question, the command, and the exclamation. On Thursday, students will independently complete a graded review of lessons 1-3. Finally, students will need a 4X6 photo of themselves for a project on Friday. Please send a photo that does not need to be returned to you.
Social Studies - "We the People / Strength of Our Freedom"

Science - "Getting Ready for Science"

Math -

Curriculum Night for 4th grade is scheduled for Tuesday, 9/6 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with your child's math teacher, and to spend time in our classroom. You will also be able to sign up for Fall conferences that evening.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell