Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class
English - Expository Writing


Students should continue to work on their inventions at home. Don't forget that the inventions are due on 4/12. Students will be presenting their inventions to the class on 4/13 & 4/14, and displaying their creations at the PV Open House. Our focus in school this week will be to look at the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Students will be taking a QUIZ on chapter 15, lesson 2 on Friday, 4/8.
Social Studies
We will begin our study of the Southwest region the week of 4/11.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
This week's lesson is a review of previous lessons. The spelling list consists of 30 words. The final test for the week will be on Friday, 4/11, and will contain 20 words from the larger list. Cursive pages and workbook pages will be collected on Friday, 4/8.
This week in reading the students will read two more selections with unexpected heroes. We will discuss their character traits, and compare them with people we know that may possess the same traits. We will also review cause/effect and fact/opinion this week.
Customary and Metric measurement is our new unit of study in math. We will focus on measuring fractional parts, converting customary units, and customary weight and capacity this week. Look for a quiz on these lessons to be scheduled the week of 4/11.
Don't Forget...
March 28 - Spring Break begins
April 4 - Classes resume
April 5 - No School - Teachers' Institute
April 14 - PV Open House / Book Fair, 6:30-8:00
Mrs. Karen Bell