Mrs. Bell's Homeroom
English - Adjectives
We will be pretesting for our new chapter on 1/3. Students who get 100% correct in three or more lessons will have the opportunity to do alternate challenge work to the textbook lessons. The first three lessons in this chapter will cover the definition of adjectives, adjectives used after the forms of the word "be", and using the adjectives/articles "a", "an" and "the".
We will be finishing chapter 6 with a look at the wildlife and resources of the Southeast. The chapter 6 TEST is tentatively scheduled for the week of 1/10.
Science - How Behaviors of Animals Help Them Meet their Needs
This week we will be focusing on lessons 2 & 3 of chapter 3. Students will study behaviors of animals that help them to survive, such as migration and hibernation. We will also look at instinctive behaviors versus learned behaviors.
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Beginning with this lesson, we will no longer be pretesting in spelling. We spend more time focusing on the rule for the week, and with the definitions of the spelling words for the week. Workbook pages and the cursive page will be due on Friday, 1/7. The final test for the lesson will also be on 1/7.
This week, we will be working on predicting outcomes. Readers can often guess ahead of time, or predict, what will happen in a story, based on information the author has given. Additionally, readers can change or adjust their predictions as they read.
We will be reviewing for the chapter 6 test on Monday, 1/3. The TEST is scheduled for 1/4. Our next unit will be chapter 7, which focuses on the collection & organization of data. This week we will focus on venn diagrams, and finding the mean, median and mode for data sets.
Don't Forget...
January 3 -- Classes Resume after Winter Break
January 17 -- M. L. King Birthday -- No School
Have a happy, relaxing & safe holiday break!
Mrs. Karen Bell