The final test for this lesson will be on Friday, 5/7. Workbook pages and Master 31B will be collected on 5/6. Checklist work is due on 5/7.
Reading - The Kid in the Red Jacket

Bite into a Good Book - Independent Reading Program

The end of the year is coming quickly! Has your child given his/her book talk yet?

Students will be writing one final persuasive essay in class this week. Then, it's back to verbs! We will do a small project called, "Tommorow, Today will be Yesterday", that reviews verb tenses. Then, it's on to agreement with be & have.
We've reached the end of chapter 10, and the TEST has been scheduled for Wednesday, 5/5. Students should focus on their notes and worksheets to prepare for the test. Pay particular attention to the duties of the three branches of government. Students will be able to earn 3 bonus points on their test if they can write (not sing !) the Preamble :).
ience - Earth's Moon & Beyond
How are craters formed? That is the question we will answer with our hands on activity this week. We will also look at Earth's moon as we compare and contrast its characteristics with those of Earth.
Math -
Mrs. Bell's Math Class

How are craters formed? That is the question we will answer with our hands on activity this week. We will also look at Earth's moon as we compare and contrast its characteristics with those of Earth.
Math -

Using percents is our last topic in this chapter. We TEST on the chapter on Thursday, 5/5. Next stop...integers!
Students from Project Challenge have started a fundraiser for the ASPCA, a foundation to stop animal cruelty. The kids will be selling "Smencils" (scented pencils) FOR $1.00 each. The pencils will be sold each morning in the grade level areas. The sales will start on Monday, April 30, and will end on May 28th.
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell