Spelling - Lesson 26 - Review
The final test on this lesson will be on Friday, 4/9. Because this is a review lesson, the test will be in a different format than usual. Students will be given rows of words and will have to identify which spelling word is spelled incorrectly in the row. I recommend that students focus on the spelling rules that we have studied in lessons 19-25 to prepare for the test. Workbook pages are due on 4/8 & Checklist work will be collected on 4/9.
This week we will focus primarily on summarizing, and touch on the other reading strategies while continuing our study of the country of China. Students will begin the final project for the unit, which is a travel poster for China. All of the work on the poster will be completed in school.
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students must ALWAY have a silent reading book with them at school!!!
English - Verbs
We are moving on to a look at different verb tenses. Present and past tense verbs will be our topics this week.
cial Studies - A World Turned Upside Down
The end of the American Revolution is the topic for the week with a look at Washington's victory at Yorktown, and the roles of others who helped in the war.
Science - Earth's Oceans
The movement of ocean water is our focus this week. We will look at the formation of waves, currents & tides. The open note/book ASSESSMENT is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 4/9.
th - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students must ALWAY have a silent reading book with them at school!!!
English - Verbs
We are moving on to a look at different verb tenses. Present and past tense verbs will be our topics this week.

The end of the American Revolution is the topic for the week with a look at Washington's victory at Yorktown, and the roles of others who helped in the war.
Science - Earth's Oceans
The movement of ocean water is our focus this week. We will look at the formation of waves, currents & tides. The open note/book ASSESSMENT is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 4/9.

We will begin our week by reviewing the concepts from chapter 5 on Monday. The chapter 5 TEST is scheduled for Tuesday, 4/6. The next unit that we will cover in math will be ratios, proportion & percents.
TGFD Graduation is scheduled for Friday, April 9th at 9:00 a.m. Parents and family of fifth grade students are welcome to attend this event. The students have worked hard and should be proud of what they have learned and accomplished in this outstanding program.
Have a safe & relaxing Spring Break!
Mrs. Karen Bell