The final test for this week's list will be on Friday, 11/6. "Words to Know" are happened -here. Workbook pages for this lesson will be due on 11/5 & contract work will be collected on 11/6.
Reading - Visualization

The story of Pecos Bill will be the final tall tale that we study. Students will begin a story pyramid project on Tuesday in which they will summarize a tall tale that we have read together, and draw a picture of what they visualize when they read the story. We will be typing the summary together on 11/4. The final project is due on 11/6.
"Bite into a Good Book" Independent Reading Program
"Bite into a Good Book" Independent Reading Program
I have conferenced with each student to discuss their first trimester reading goals, and have made adjustments where needed. Students must write a "Getting to the Core of the Book" report for EACH book read towards their goal, and give one book talk to reach their goal.
English - Nouns
Our new unit in English is nouns. We will begin the unit by focusing on the definition of a noun. Ask your child about the new Schoolhouse Rock song that we are singing!
Social Studies

Science - Energy & Ecosystems
We will continue our study of the interdependence of ecosystems & food webs.
Math - Mrs. Bell's Math Class
Students will be taking the chapter 3 TEST this week. They are aware that this is a very long test, and that I have allotted two days for them to complete it. I have strongly suggested that they work very carefully on the test, and check their work. And of course, all scratch work must be shown!
Our field trip to Robert Crown is scheduled for the morning of 11/6. Students must bring a SACK LUNCH to school that day!
I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the parents who worked so hard to make our Halloween celebration so special. Thank you for the wonderful treats, the extra decorations for our pumpkins, cleaning up the room, your time & efforts, and for taking care of our absent students. It was truly a memorable afternoon!

Have a "Spook-tacular" Halloween!
Mrs. Karen Bell