Spelling - Lesson 5 - Prefixes & Root Words

Reading - Summarizing

"Bite into a Good Book" - Independent Reading Program
Students must ALWAYS have a silent reading book with them at school!
English - Capitalization & Punctuation
We will begin our week with a look at proper nouns & adjectives. Students will take some time out from the textbook to work on a small expository piece about themselves. This piece will be the lead story in a year-long project called "Me Front Page", a newspaper about your child!
Settlement of the Jamestown colony will be our topic for the week. Students will learn how John Smith led the settlers to the new land, and how Pocahontas and her father Chief Powhaton helped them to survive. We will take notes by creating a study guide for this lesson.
We will complete our study of the scientific method and begin to prepare for the chapter assessment. The TEST is tentatively scheduled for Friday, 10/2.
We will finish chapter 2 by taking a look at solving multiplication and division equations. The chapter 2 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, 10/1.
We are so proud of the three students from our classroom who spoke about responsibility at the Character Counts assembly on Friday. Way to go, Kelsey, Daniel & Katie!
We have another magazine turn in day on Tuesday, 9/29.
Picture day is Thursday, 10/1. Watch for information to be sent home with your child.

Enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell