We have just completed our first full week of school and the students and I are settling into our routine. I have enjoyed getting to know their individual personalities and talents and am anticipating a tremendous year together! My weekly blog will be divided into 3 sections, one for each of my classes. Activities for next week are as follows...
Mrs. Bell's Reading Class
Words to Know are again - also, the vocabulary word is admonish. Contract work is due 9/5. The final test will be on Friday, 9/5.
Reading: Preview and Predicting
Reading: Preview and Predicting
Students will begin practicing the reading skill of predicting this week. We will discuss what makes a prediction valid, and practice predicting while reading text.
Language Arts - Unit 1: The Sentence
Language Arts - Unit 1: The Sentence
We will be studying the four types of sentences and subjects and predicates. Students will need to bring a magazine for an activity on Thursday 9/4. We will also be completing the autobiographical poem project.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class
The first three lessons in Chapter 1 will be our focus this week. These lessons cover the topics of comparing and ordering whole numbers, estimating with whole numbers, and exponents. On Friday, we will prepare for our first midchapter quiz which is tentatively scheduled for Monday, 9/8.
Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class

Mrs. Bell's Homeroom Class

Social Studies - Chapter 4 / Lesson 1: The Voyages of Columbus
Christopher Columbus will be the topic in social studies this week. We will read about and discuss his voyages, and students will take notes. We will finish the week by writing letters from the point of view of Columbus or Queen Isabella.
Christopher Columbus will be the topic in social studies this week. We will read about and discuss his voyages, and students will take notes. We will finish the week by writing letters from the point of view of Columbus or Queen Isabella.
Science - "Getting Ready for Science"

Please mark your calendar for Curriculum night on Thursday, September 11th at 7:00.
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell