Lesson 21 – Words with “ei". The Words to Know will be a special list of words associated with the circulatory system. Menu work will be due on Friday, 3/7.
We will also to prepare for ISAT testing with work on reading passages, answering multiple choice questions and writing an extended response. ISAT tests are scheduled for the week of March 1oth.
Lesson 21 – Words with “ei". The Words to Know will be a special list of words associated with the circulatory system. Menu work will be due on Friday, 3/7.
We will also to prepare for ISAT testing with work on reading passages, answering multiple choice questions and writing an extended response. ISAT tests are scheduled for the week of March 1oth.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
We have set our 3rd Trimester goals! The reading celebration is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 9th. Please watch for a separate sheet to come home about the reading celebration, tentatively scheduled for Friday, 3/7.
We have set our 3rd Trimester goals! The reading celebration is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 9th. Please watch for a separate sheet to come home about the reading celebration, tentatively scheduled for Friday, 3/7.
We will continue our study of verb tenses by completing a project entitled, "Today is Tomorrow's Yesterday" in which students will practice writing in past, present and future tense. We will also focus on honing our expository writing skils for the ISAT tests.
The Circle books notetaking activity is due on Tuesday, 3/4. The chapter 9 TEST is scheduled for Thursday, March 6th.
SCIENCE - "You & Your Body"
On Tuesday, 3/4, students will be taking an open note quiz that covers activities 2 & 4 in the You and Your Body book.
On Tuesday, 3/4, students will be taking an open note quiz that covers activities 2 & 4 in the You and Your Body book.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
Multiplication & division of mixed numbers & fractions will be covered this week. Ask your child if he/she can tell you the definition of reciprocal! We will finish out the week with ISAT practice.
Family Book Club Night is scheduled for April 9th. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to share literature with your child and other families! The registration sheet went home with your child this week...check the backpack!
Fifth grade girls have been invited to join a new Girl Scout program that has been designed to fit into families' busy lives. Ask your daughter about this exciting new program!

Happy Holiday Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell

Happy Holiday Weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell