This week’s “Spell”-ing list will consist of spooky Halloween words!
Abbreviations and Titles will be our topics this week. The chapter 5 TEST is tentatively set for Friday, November 9th. Look for "How to Study" sheets to come home this week. We will also be putting aside our English text books to do some creative writing with "bone - y" words!
We will continue our study of India with a look at India's government, economy, and culture. Students will be taking notes by outlining, and then using the outlines to write descriptive paragraphs.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
All but three students have given their book talks. The deadline for students to turn in book activities is November 16th.
This week we will be learning about colonial jobs and the students will be making a “Sign of the Times” (Due 11/1)! Our TRADE FAIR is scheduled for Friday, November 2nd!
SCIENCE - Flight and Rocketry
We will finish our study of airplane design and move on to Bernoulli's Principle! Look for information about our Paper Airplane Contest to come home this week.
“Bite into a Good Book” Program
All but three students have given their book talks. The deadline for students to turn in book activities is November 16th.
This week we will be learning about colonial jobs and the students will be making a “Sign of the Times” (Due 11/1)! Our TRADE FAIR is scheduled for Friday, November 2nd!
SCIENCE - Flight and Rocketry
We will finish our study of airplane design and move on to Bernoulli's Principle! Look for information about our Paper Airplane Contest to come home this week.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
We will be finishing chapter 3 on Tuesday. Wednesday will be a "Halloween Math" day. Review for Chapter 3 is Thursday, and the Chapter 3 TEST will be on Friday, 11/2. "How to Study" sheets went home on Friday, 10/26.
Picture retakes are scheduled for October 30th.
Another reminder about HALLOWEEN TREATS: If you send treats for the class, please send either non-edible goodies such as pencils, or a healthy treat, such as raisins or granola bars.
The HALLOWEEN PARTY is scheduled for Wednesday, 10/31 at 1:30. At 1:15, students will participate in the traditional PV school parade of costumes. Students will be changing into their costumes in the classrooms. Costumes might need to be simplified for school purposes, since students must be able to change in a short amount of time. Changing will take place in the classrooms. The fifth grade will have designated classrooms for girls to change in and for boys. Washrooms will be NOT available for changing. No weapons, even fake, are allowed at school.
This week our class welcomed a new member...a bearded dragon named "Yoshi". The students have enjoyed learning about our new "student", and taking turns caring for him. We are providing "foster" care for him until the end of the year, when he will return to his owner. Yoshi enjoys a diet of greens, crickets, and mealworms. If you would like more information about bearded dragons, please refer to the following website:
Enjoy your three day weekend…
Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Bell