HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE WEEK OF 3/10/08 - 3/14/08
Lesson 22 - The prefix "com". Words to know are when - who. Checklist work is due on Thursday, 3/13.
Lesson 22 - The prefix "com". Words to know are when - who. Checklist work is due on Thursday, 3/13.
Students will be starting a new writing project called the "Me Front Page". The project involves creating a newspaper page with autobiographical information written in many different styles. We will be completing the acrostic poem and lead story written in third person this week.
Contracts for third trimester were sent home for your signature last week. I’m hoping that we will finish the year with 100% of the children meeting their goal!
Verbs is the word! We will be looking at verb agreement with be & have, contractions with the word "not", and irregular verbs.
We begin lesson 1 in chapter 10 on Thursday. This chapter focuses on how our new nation struggled to form a government, and how the constitution was written. Ask you child to sing our new song, "The Preamble", for you!
SCIENCE - You & Your Body
We will not be starting a new chapter in this unit until ISAT testing is completed.
MATH - Mrs. Bell's Class
There will be no instruction in the fifth grade math classes this week. My math students will be taking their ISAT math tests with under my supervision on Monday through Wednesday.
ISAT testing will take place the entire week of March 10th. It will be a challenging week for the students, but I feel confident that they are well prepared and have the skills they need to be successful. I hope that each child will be well rested and relaxed for the tests.
Report cards for 2nd trimester will be given to your child on Tuesday.
Parent-Teacher conferences are this week for those who requested a conference
No school on Friday!
Mrs. Karen Bell
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