Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week of 3.2.20

Highlights for the Week of 3/2/2020
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 20 - Homographs
This week's list includes homographs, which are sets of words that are spelled the same but have different meanings (Examples: bank or ring). The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 3/6.

Reading - Journeys - Grandfather's Journey

We will work together to gather evidence for a reading response that students will write for Grandfather's Journey.

Social Studies - The Midwest & The Southwest
The Just Look book presentations are scheduled for Monday, 3/2. Every student has a copy of the rubric for this project and should use it to assess their work. We will begin our study of the Southwest at the end of the week.

Science - Energy Conversions 
Synthesizing ideas about system failure and studying the electrical grid are the topics for the week.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Solving Problems Part 1
The lesson concepts that will be taught include knowing that following steps can help you solve problems, saying the problem without blame is respectful and that solving problems helps you be successful at school. By the end of the week, students will be able to say the problem step of the "Problem-Solving Steps" and state a problem without blaming anyone.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class -  Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions

We are wrapping up this unit with a look at division with fractions. The Unit 5 TEST is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 3/10.


2/28 - No School - Teachers' Institute

During the week of 3/2, students will take two Reading pre-assessments for Unit 2. The purpose of these tests is to provide data that will help to drive instruction. The results will not be entered into the grade book. Students are encouraged to do their best and NOT to stress!

The pajama/movie party was SO much fun! It's such a pleasure to celebrate behavior that is respectful, responsible and safe in our classroom.

Enjoy your long weekend!
Mrs. Karen Bell

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week of 2.17.20

Highlights for the Week of 2/17/20
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 18 - "ch" & "tch" 
Words this week will contain the letters "ch" or "tch". Students will learn that if the final "ch" sound comes after a consonant or a two-letter vowel, the ending is -ch. If the final "ch" sound follows a one letter vowel, it's usually written -tch. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 2/21.

Reading - Unit 2 - Journeys
What does it mean to go on a journey? How can a person be changed by a journey they have experienced? These are the questions that I will pose to students as we begin the second unit in Reading titled "Journeys".  We will begin by reading and discussing the short story, Grandfather's Journey by Alan Say. 

It was a pleasure to view the Profile in Courage presentations. The students have grown tremendously in their research and speaking skills. Below are some photos from the presentations...
Thank you, King Gavin, for running the computer during the presentations!
Theodore Roosevelt

Jane Goodall

Nelson Mandela

Alexander Hamilton

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Harriet Tubman

Sally Ride

Sitting Bull

Thomas Jefferson

Winston Churchill

Anne Frank

Mother Theresa

Princess Diana

John Brown

Abraham Lincoln

Jane Addams

Michael Jordan

Lewis & Clark

Susan B. Anthony

Neil Armstrong

Amelia Earhart

Molly Pitcher

Clara Barton
English - Explanatory Writing
The final copy of the Hero essay is due on 2/18. The final draft must be typed in Google Classroom and submitted. 

During this week's "Writers' Workshop" students spent time proofreading and revising their Hero essays. Be sure to ask your child how he/she used a "whisper reader" (pictured below) as a helpful tool for this process.

Social Studies - Midwest Just Look Book
The research for the Just Look Book project is due on Monday, 2/24. Students will have time in school to begin the research, but the majority of the work will be completed at home. 

Science - "Energy Conversions"
Looking at how system failures impact an electrical grid will be our focus in Science.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Team Building Activities
This week we will focus on activities that reinforce teamwork. The Human Knot, Four Corners and Going on a Field trip are three games that build collaborative skills and are fun as well.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 4  & Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
Multiplying two fractions is this week's main focus. Students will also take a Checkpoint that focuses on multiplying a whole number by a fraction on 2/19.

2/14 & 2/17 - No School

Mrs. Karen Bell

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week of 2.10.20

Highlights for the Weeks of 2/10/2020
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 17 - Words with the Suffix "-tion"
This week's list includes words with the suffix "-tion". Students will learn that when the suffix "-tion" is added to a verb, the word becomes a noun. When "-tion" is added to a word that ends in an "e" or "t", the "e" or "t" is dropped. The final TEST for this lesson will be on Thursday, 2/13.

Reading - Unit 1 - Courage
Students will present their Profile in Courage projects on 2/10. Please refer to the rubric on Google Classroom to see how they will be assessed.  

English - Explanatory Writing

The handwritten rough draft of the hero essay is due on Tuesday, 2/11. Students will spend time in class proofreading and editing. The final typed copy is due on 2/18.

Social Studies - The Midwest
The chapter 8 TEST is scheduled for 2/12. Students have received a study guide and we will review in class on Tuesday. During the week of 2/17, students will begin working on a project for the Midwest called the "Just Look Book". 

Science - Energy Conversions
Analyzing failures related to electrical systems will be our activity in science this week.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) - Avoiding Jumping to Conclusions
The topic for this week's SEL discussion will be how calming down strong emotions can help you think clearly about a situation so you can avoid jumping to conclusions. This lesson will help students to identify emotion-management strategies, to demonstrate assertiveness skills, and to identify/demonstrate positive self-talk statements. The Home Link activity will give your child the opportunity to explain and to practice what they have learned with you.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 5 - Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
Unit 5 begins with a look at fraction story problems and strategies for multiplying two fractions.

Who would have guessed that a game of Jeopardy could be so much fun? My mathematicians' competitive spirits were out in full force when we reviewed for the Unit 4 test by playing Jeopardy. They took it very seriously as seen in the pictures below...

2/14 - No School
2/17 - No School - Presidents' Day

Our Valentine's Day celebration is scheduled for the afternoon of 2/13. The format of our party will include a service project. Students will be making Valentine's Day cards for the veterans at Hines Hospital. Students may bring Valentine's Day cards to exchange with their classmates. I am requesting that they do not write individual names on cards to keep things simple. 

We had a ball on our field trip to the Museum of Science and industry. It was a day filled with learning while having fun. The Energy Chicago program tied in beautifully with our Science curriculum and applied many of the concepts that we have studied in class. A huge THANK YOU to our chaperones who got their steps in touring the museum and shared many of the wonderful pictures below! 

Mrs. Karen Bell