Thursday, March 21, 2019

Week of 4.1.19

Highlights for the Weeks of 4/1/2019
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 24 - Greek & Latin Roots
This week's words each contain the root "auto", "homo", "tract" or "phobia". We will study the meaning of these roots and how to determine the meaning of a word that contains them. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 4/5.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
As our novel study continues, we will read chapters 11-14 and answer text-dependent questions and responses related to those chapters.

We will also spend time preparing for the Illinois Assessment of Readiness test (the new PARCC) which is scheduled for the weeks of 4/8 and 4/15.

Social Studies - "Land and Resources of the Southwest"

Students will create their own map of the Southwest region. We will also take a look at the land and resources of the Southwest, taking a close look at the Grand Canyon and its formation. 

Science - Energy Conversions
Building and analyzing failing electrical systems will be the topic in science this week.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class -Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
Graphing patterns is this week's topic. A CHECKPOINT on this topic is scheduled for Wednesday, 4/3. Below are photos of students working with Unifix cubes to investigate patterns. After defining the pattern, they developed an equation and graphed it on the coordinate plane.


3/35 - 3/29 - No School (Spring Break)
4/10 - 4/19 - 4th Grade IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) Testing

Have a fabulous Spring Break!
Mrs. Karen Bell

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week of 3.18.19

Highlights for the Weeks of 3/18/2019
in Mrs. Bell's Classroom

Spelling -  Unit 23 - Words with "oi" and "oy" & Proverbs
 This week's list includes words with the letters "oi" and "oy". Students will learn that these letter combinations make the same sound and are both diphthongs. "Oy" is usually found at the end of a syllable and "oi" is usually found in the middle of a syllable. We will also study proverbs - what they are and what some of them mean. The final TEST is scheduled for Friday, 3/22.

Reading- Unit 2 - "Journeys" - The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
We will continue to read our novel while focusing on how to answer text-dependent questions and open responses. There will be an open book QUIZ on chapters 7-10 of Edward Tulane on Thursday, 3/21.

Social Studies - The Navajo 
We study the culture and traditions of the Navajo people, who are the Native Americans from the Southwest region. We will also complete the Midwest portion of the U.S. Map.

The students did a marvelous job on their Midwest Just Look Book project and have shown tremendous growth in their presentation skills. Below are some photos from the presentations...

Science - Energy Conversions
We will continue to write the design arguments using evidence to support our solution for the blackouts in Ergstown.

Mrs. Bell's Math Class - Unit 6 - Graphing, Geometry & Volume
We will study how to describe and graph patterns and also do some enrichment work with the coordinate plane. 


3/25-3/29 - Spring Break (No school)

I cannot say enough positive things about our field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. The kids had a blast and learned a lot about energy. A huge THANK YOU to the parent chaperones who spent the day with us. I hope you enjoy the pictures of your children at the museum.

Mrs. Karen Bell

                                                 Mrs. Karen Bell