To all my students, and their families...
Thank you for an AMAZING year in 4th grade!
You have been an exceptional classroom family...
full of of curiosity, humor, & compassion.
You will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart :)
I hope that you have a safe and relaxing summer.
Good luck in 5th grade, and be sure to come back
and visit me whenever you have a chance!
and visit me whenever you have a chance!
Mrs. Karen Bell
Don't Forget...
6/3 - Prairieview Picnic - Lunch provided by PTO - In the interest of ensuring that all students remain safe
while having fun during the school picnic, gym shoes will be the only acceptable foot wear of the day.
Little toes and feet cannot play when bruised and abraded. If feet are not in proper attire, students will
not be allowed to participate in outdoor activities. Thank you.
while having fun during the school picnic, gym shoes will be the only acceptable foot wear of the day.
Little toes and feet cannot play when bruised and abraded. If feet are not in proper attire, students will
not be allowed to participate in outdoor activities. Thank you.
6/4 - Bowling field trip (12:25-2:15) - Brunswick is offering a concession special: 2 slices of cheese
pizza & a 16 oz. drink for $3.23 (including tax)
6/5 - Last day of school - Students dismissed at 9:30